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About Tapoban

Manifesting A Dream

As a young student, Swami Anand Arun used to have a recurring vision of a red roofed big house surrounded by a dense forest. It was a bird’s eye view of a red roof in circular shape attached with a rectangle. He couldn’t comprehend what it was or why he was having those strange visions. Some  pointed out to him that it could be a vision from his previous life or some sign from his past. Swami Arun could never come to a definitive conclusion of what it was but the vision never stopped.  After many years when Osho Tapoban came into existence, one day Swamijee went to a hill on the other side of the creek at Tapoban from where one could see the whole commune. Swamijee was blown away from what he saw and finally understood where those recurring visions came from. He saw the exact same roof in that particular shape.  It was the meditation hall, Rajneesh Dhyan Mandir at Osho Tapoban. 

Osho Tapoban is a collective dream of many evolved souls and enlightened masters, the seed of which was sown when Osho visited Nepal. He wanted a commune in the Himalayas and instructed Swamijee to build a commune and gave him specific details of how it should be. It took 4 years before this dream could finally take shape and in 1990 Osho Tapoban was established. The journey of manifesting this dream called Osho Tapoban has never ended since then.



Vision & Mission

Osho Tapoban is dedicated towards sharing the vision of the enlightened mystic Osho. It stands for all that is life affirmative and elevating. With meditation and soul seeking at its heart, we here at Tapoban are committed to creating a space where seekers from all over the world regardless of their nationality, religion, gender and ethnicity can feel at home and glide ahead in their pursuit for wellbeing.

With a dedicated team of seasoned and compassionate yogis, sadhakas, sannyasins and therapists who are led and guided by Swami Anand Arun, we here at Tapoban are keen on providing you the best courses of meditation, yoga and meditative therapies that can help you delve deeper into yourself.

Unconscious living is at the center of majority of the problems that humanity faces today and it is high time that humans looked deeper into these problems and find more compassionate, empathetic and sustainable solution. A balanced alternative living that includes a harmonious amount of both ancient wisdom and modern scientific findings is a crucial need of the time. The commune life at Tapoban is only an expression of this very concept. Living in harmony and awareness is its backbone.

We here at Tapoban are focussed on reminding you of how important it is to come in communion with nature. Surrounded by a vast sea of green, Tapoban intends to bring you closer to the raw and organic ecology that we are all a part of. Ether is one of the major five elements of what we are made of and at Tapoban we want you to experience that sense of space where higher things in life can be envisioned, practised and created. Osho always wanted an ashram in the Himalayas, he wanted to live and die in the mountains. Today we are glad that this dream has manifested in the form of Tapoban where his presence is fragnant in every corner of this commune and we are eagerly waiting to welcome you here – your home in the Himalayas!




Jewels of the ashram

Rajneesh Dhyan Mandir

The main center of activity at the commune is the Shivalinga shaped Rajneesh Dhyan Mandir where all the meditations happen throughout the day. Walled by its roof to celing glass windows opening to the views of the Nagarjuna forest, the wooden floored meditation hall with its high celings gives a sense of great expansion and centering simultaneously. Equipped with a state of art audio and visual system, this meditation hall provides the perfect ambience for the inner journey and has been hosting meditations since more than three decades.

Osho Samadhi

Osho Samadhi is the heart of Tapoban. Located atop a small hillock one enters into the Samadhi space through an easy flight of stairs. Surrounded by a small pool of spring water is an almost pyramid shaped granite and marble structure that are built around an ancient tree that holds a great spiritual value as it is the daughter of the same tree under which the great Buddhist adept Nagarjuna attained enlightenment. Osho’s astu are buried in the same marble monument creating a radius of strong energyfield. The samadhi is open for meditation and silent sitting. There are two other climate controlled therapy halls at the ashram that can host group meditations and therapies.

The Nirvana Grove

One of the powerful enclosed energy spaces in Tapoban, the Nirvana Grove is like an energy box that is open for exclusive half hour silence sitting meditations after evening celebrations. This meditation room is house to Osho’s ashes, his robe, a small marble bust of Osho and a piece of marble from Osho’s bedroom. All these elements create a conducive energy field for silent meditation and is a must visit for all Osho lovers. White robe is compulsory for the silent session and non-sannyasins are allowed into it only after 3 days of staying at Tapoban

Shivapuri Baba Temple

Dedicated to the enlightened Indian mystic Shivapuri Baba who Osho made the local spiritual guardian of Swami Anand Arun after he took sannyas, the Shivapuri Baba temple is a beautiful energy center at Tapoban. Located at the brink of a ridge the temple overlooks the small water stream that flows below it  and is a perfect space for indoor silent sitting. A beautiful life size statue of the mystic sits inside the unique pagoda shaped temple that seems to be floating above the ground and is adorned by traditional Nepali bricks with carved tiger faces on the outside. The temple is open for meditation throughout the day.

The Kabir Temple

Divine intervention and spontaneity are the two main ingredients behind the construction of this temple at Tapoban dedicated to the mystic poet Kabir. Located on one end of the bridge that connects the rest of the commune with the International Guest House the temple is right above the waterfall and has a reigning view of the Nagarjuna hills. You can always join in the spontaneous Kabir kirtans and celebrations that take place in front of the temple that houses the colorful marble statue of the master.

Jesus Temple

Jesus was a man of love, of immense love. He loved this earth, he loved the smell of this earth. He loved the trees, he loved the people. He loved the creatures because that is the only way to love the creator – Osho

At Tapoban, we have a beautiful corner for Jesus where one enjoy sitting around his statue and listen to the natural waterfall.

Death Park

First of its kind in the world, the death park at Tapoban is created with the intention to remind seekers of the inevitability of death. A life size statue of a dead person sleeps on a funeral pyre that looks like its burning at night. Adorned with traditional Malla style architecture, the garden has sitting pedestals that can be used for meditation or just to spend some time in open nature. Big pictures of enlightened masters and their last moments on Earth and their quotes on death encircle the garden giving the visitor a deep insight into death.  


Zorba the Buddha Restaurant

Zorba the Buddha restaurant is designed for relaxation & great times with a view to die for! Committed to good taste, healthy vegetarian food, and total hygiene, we bring to you most exotic flavours prepared from freshest of ingredients and hand-picked special herbs and spices. From fresh bakery and ground coffee to exotic dishes catered specially for Sanyaasis and local Nepali, we serve from our heart all at reasonable prices!

Sujata Kitchen

The ashram has two eateries inside its premises. Everyday Sujata kitchen provides 3 vegetarian sattvik meals cooked by the volunteers at the ashram for the ashram inmates and the guests. Located at the brink of the forest, eating at Sujata is itself an experience of meditation.