Bageshwar Baba visits Nepal
Bageshwar Baba, aka Dhirendra Krishna Shastri; one of the most followed Indian gurus of current times; recently visited Nepal to address its people …Read More
Bageshwar Baba, aka Dhirendra Krishna Shastri; one of the most followed Indian gurus of current times; recently visited Nepal to address its people …Read More
It has emerged that in a passionate effort to safeguard the legacy of the revered master Bhagwan Shre Rajneesh aka Osho, Swami Anand Arun…Read More
One of the most revered Indian spiritual leaders, Bageshwar Baba (real name: Dhirendra Krishna Shastri), recently travelled to Nepal to give a speech to the locals…Read More
Osho’s Neo Sannyas movement was introduced in 1970 by Acharya Rajneesh, who was later given the name of Osho by his disciples and followers…Read More
During monsoon, it’s important to follow a daily routine that can prepare our body to fight infections and boost overall well-being.…Read More
Born in Nepal, Swami Anand Arun’s spiritual quest began at an early age. With a deep yearning, he delved into various spiritual traditions, seeking answers to life’s existential questions…Read More
On August 15, 1947, India attained independence from the British Raj. Seventy-five years earlier on the same day, it had given birth to Sri Aurobindo, a great yogi and a spiritual reformist…Read More
Welcome to this enlightening interview with Swami Anand Arun Ji, the esteemed Founder of Osho Tapoban International Commune.…Read More
On 26th September, 2023; exactly 53 years after Acharya Rajneesh (Osho) started the Neo Sanyas movement, RSSI held its first world congress at the Tapoban International commune in Kathmandu, Nepal…Read More
Nagarjuna Hills and Raniban is the one of the most famous public spot to every Nepalese. There might be no Nepalese who have not heard about the beautiful Osho Tapoban , flourishing in the lap of this Nagarjuna forest above Balaju…Read More
Swami Anand Arun is a disciple of Osho, the spiritual leader who currently serves as coordinator of Osho Tapoban – An International Commune and Forest Retreat Center..…Read More