Monthly 3-hr Zoom Session
Shaktipat, Satsang & Meditation
Take the time for yourself and immerse in this 3-hour journey which will give you a spoonful taste of the “Oceanic Experience”
This monthly event is designed to introduce new friends to Osho as well as help seasoned meditators, sannyasins & Osho lovers to connect with the Master’s energy field. Satsang is a sacred gathering. It is in Satsang that our true spiritual discipline evolves. This session is brought to you by Osho Tapoban, Nepal & hosted by Osho Nirvana Ashram, San Diego, USA.
You will experience
Format of the therapy
We beign with introduction & welcome message, prayer, grounding meditation and then a selected Osho Discourse in audio or video. Then, Swami jee takes questions from participatns that were sent before hand or during the session. Questions can be sent to or
Then he takes us “in” via a guided meditation
The most anticipated part of this program is Shaktipat. Once we have had our Q&A session and meditation and there is a buildup of energy, Swami ji becomes a medium of our master to shower his loving spiritual energy on us. It is a very healing & liberating
Who can participate into it?
Everyone is welcome to join this event.
What to expect?
Community, sharing, connection with Master, Laugher and tears, meeting old and new friends.